Saturday, July 3, 2010

Go and visit my newest blog :D

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Copy this code to your website to display this banner!

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Items!

Hi. Im not late for the updates so thats good. :D So here are the updates.

Updates found in Shop:

Psst, This is the only one that is a "Choose a color!"

Updates found in magic shop:

For the dress you can pick a customized color for it.
Happy Hunting. :)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Leyla10 is In a bad mood!

You know Leyla10 right? She was saying "I got hacked! I have 0 clothes and he killed my pet!"
Well I thought it isn't possible to have 0 clothes. Some items you cannot sell. This is just a tracker so It'll change.
*Tracker may not work! :)*

This was how she looked before.

Is she lying or is it true that she got hacked? O: The world may never know! xD

My Scrapbook!

I made a scrapbook. I made it a long time ago. Im gonna share it with Jessie. The starting... I replaced it with a diff image.

Okay heres the 2 other pages!

Click on 'em to see better! :)